Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Saying Goodbye (part I)

How do you say goodbye to a part of your life? How do you force yourself to get out of bed every morning when that part is missing from your life? How do you move on when all you think of is the things you’ll miss? What can you do to fill the void? Will anything else be as good? Will anything else make you happy?

Leaving a comfort zone and moving to uncharted territory is scary.


  1. I don’t know what it is that you have to say goodbye to, but for me, having to say goodbye to a loved one is extremely difficult! So difficult until on more than 1 occasion, I’ve tried to end my own life too.

    I wish I can suggest something, but am myself is still trying to fill the void and move on. I suppose therapy & medication helps to some extent (btw, been on Prozac for mths but still no +ve effect. Started with just 1 med, but am now on 3!).

    Anyhow, I’m actually trying to “start” my life over…new life, new career, new people etc. I just hope and pray that it’ll be a better and happier one. No harm in trying right?

    Take a break from whatever it is and do some soul searching. Surround urself with loved ones and take small (for me baby) steps towards change. Easier said than done, but then again, a wise friend once said that if you don’t try, you wouldn’t know. Though it’ll be scary and bumpy, but who knows…

  2. Well, Sam, my brother, that really depends on your outlook. Kalau berpandangan positif, then it may be an exciting time with so much to look forward to.

    Kalau viewing it in a negative light then memanglah akan rasa hesitant to change. Hesitant to fully enjoy all the new challenges and experience coming your way, kan?

    Walau apa pun, kita akan sentiasa sokong kau. Steady jer la..

  3. goshh... if i wanna comment on this i could have post a whole opinion in my blog... hmmm looks like it lah :)

    to summarize , in life, always think +ve, look fwd and dont look back... orang kata 'jgn pandang belakang' :P

    Tak yah merengek2 pasal apa dah jadik in life.. life is too short to whine about it.. :P sket2 leh la kut buat lepas steam... pas tu... stay cool and be happy ;)

  4. Thanks for the supportive comments guys! How did you know I want to leave the industry? ;)

  5. Sam, you sounded so sad. Thought you are letting go someone whom you love, till I saw your comment above.

    Whatever it is, there must be good reasons to say goodbye right?

  6. Peach,

    Maybe "industry" is a code for something else? heheheh.

    So, you still haven't decided on 'full exposure' yet eh?

  7. aaahhh... so... it is about you :O

  8. If this is just part 1, when'll u post part 2?

    Whatever it is, I hope u r alrite. Some of ur postings were quite sad & disturbing!

  9. Liz,
    Part 2 depends on how soon I can say goodbye ;)

  10. A code? ahah!

    Full disclosure? Nay, let’s just remain as is for now. But I’m getting to know Sam from his writings :)
