Thursday, November 12, 2009

Robert Enke, Honover 96, Germany, 1977-2009

Goalkeeper Robert Enke (pic, right), who committed suicide by jumping in front of an express train, had long suffered from depression and fears of failure, his wife and his doctor said yesterday.

Enke’s wife said the couple had tried to overcome years of depression through therapy. “When he was acutely depressed, it was a very difficult time because he lacked motivation and any hope of improvement, we thought we could do everything and we could do it with love but you can’t always do it.” she told reporters at a news conference.

Enke, who apologised in a suicide letter for hiding the condition leading up to his death, tried hard to keep his depression secret.

Germany team manager Oliver Bierhoff broke down in tears after adding that Enke’s depression had gone unnoticed by team mates and officials.


1 comment:

  1. May he rest in peace. I respect the wife for being there for him throughout, it must have been very challenging for her.
