Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Good Friend G

My good friend G was once told by one of our teachers that he will never be PM. I feel for him because he wants so much to be PM. He won’t get my vote not because I want a Malay to be PM but because we have been friends for 22 years and when you’re friends that long, you would know if your friends are PM material or not.

G has done very well for himself despite having to go through UMNO instituted hurdles at every turn. As a result of the many obstacles and challenges, he became one angry man and he doesn’t hide his bitterness towards the system. I don’t blame him. I have been debating political issues with him since we were 16, once we even sat for hours at the Kotaraya bus stop discussing politics. Imagine that, two immature, unenlightened 16 year olds discussing deep stuff. It’s no surprise that one turned out to be an influential PKR member and a local councillor. The other became a timid bank employee, expressing his views behind the anonymity of a blog. Coward.

G and me, we agree to disagree. I share some of his views and at the same time I hope he won’t push for some of his other ideas to be instituted. I have both respect and apprehension for the man. I respect him because he has a stand and firmly believes in them. I also fear that he sometimes can be too radical.

I wish G all the best, he’ll make a good whatever he wants to be. He’s a friend one can count on. But I still won’t vote him for PM.

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