Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Shafie Apdal, Zahida Rafik, Shuib Lazim – Karma?

Apparently, minister Shafie has been having an affair with the Anak Mami actress and he has been giving her pocket money amounting to something like 1.5 million units of the Malaysian currency.

It started with the actress accusing her driver of stealing 200k from her. The driver then lodged a police report to counter her allegations and the juicy stories started coming out.

From TMI;
PKR Ampang MP Zuraida Kamaruddin said the driver’s relative came to her with the report, which stated that the Sabah Umno leader gave the actress between RM100,000 and RM200,000 every time they met “secretly in hotels around Kuala Lumpur each week”.
The Wanita PKR chief alleged that the actress had received RM58,000 last October, RM112,000 in November and RM330,000 in December, as well as RM510,000 in January this year.

In the report, the driver said that Shafie and the actress had “an intimate relationship with one another and he was the trusted middleman.” He added that he resigned at the end of February as he could not take the pressure of working for the minister, which he said involved reporting on the actress’ movements whenever the minister was abroad. He also alleged the minister did not pay his Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contributions.

Very damaging for the UMNO man I must say.

I shall not speculate as to whether the alleged intimate relationship is true or not but like some quarters, I am more interested to know if the amount of money given to her is true. Giving out that much money over a short period is not an issue if the benefactor was Lakshmi Mittal or Carlos Slim but a Malaysian minister spending that much on his mistress is a very big issue. I don’t mean to be a busy body but being a public figure, Shafie has the responsibility to tell the public how he can afford such payments (if the allegations are true). If the money was earned legally (and taxes paid) I will not comment on the matter further and wish Shafie good luck explaining to his wife.

And to his father in law.

I’m sure many are aware of the fact that Shafie is married to Shuib Lazim’s daughter. I’m also sure that many are aware that Shuib Lazim is one member of the Datuk T circus. Shuib, Rahim Thamby Chik and that Eskay guy were going around town with their recording of Anwar Ibrahim having sex with some prostitute.  

I am not a fan of those kind of exposes, especially one that involves sexual acts because it hurts the family of those implicated. Did Shuib Lazim for one second stop to think how his expose of the alleged sexual encounter could hurt Wan Azizah and her children? His intended target was Anwar but the damage was inflicted upon his innocent family.

I doubt Shuib realises how his act affected Wan Azizah and her children but I hope he does now because it is his daughter and grandchildren who are now suffering from these allegations. I guess this is what they call karma – what Shuib Lazim did to Wan Azizah and her children is being paid by his daughter and grandchildren.

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