Monday, November 23, 2009

From the Horse’s Mouth

Our Ministers say the darndest things too!*

Dato’ Seri Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz (De-facto Law[less?] Minister) said;
"After ACA officers investigated those involved in the video clip, it was concluded that there is no abuse of power. The Attorney-General (AG) has decided that no further action is needed."

An excerpt from the report of the royal commission set up to investigate the VK Lingam tape scandal:
"The Commissioners find sufficient evidence of misbehaviour on the part of certain individuals or personalities identified or mentioned in the video clip."
"The Commissioners find sufficient cause to invoke the Sedition Act 1948, the Legal Profession Act 1976, the Official Secrets Act 1972 and the Penal Code against the various individuals mentioned in the video clip which we have elaborated in the Report. We do not discount the possibility of other laws being contravened. We leave it to the Attorney General, Malaysia and the Malaysian Bar Council to take the appropriate actions against the personalities implicated."

Sam says – how is that the royal commission was able to find “sufficient evidence of misbehaviour …” but the ACA can’t? Why did the AG classify the case as NFA when the royal commission found “sufficient cause to invoke the Sedition Act 1948, the Legal Profession Act 1976, the Official Secrets Act 1972 and the Penal Code …”?

Dr. Mohd Puad Zarkashi (Deputy Education Minister) said;
“This also occurs in government-linked companies where we have this weird culture of people speaking to each other in English instead of the national language, we are polluting our own culture and identity as a nation."

Sam says – weird is adopting English words into the Malay language when there are existing Malay words with the same meaning. Don’t believe me? Click here for evidence.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed (needs no introduction) said;
"It's about time he goes. Like me also lah, when you become old, you become nanyuk (senile)."
"I am of the opinion that leaders should not hold on to their positions for too long as they would become kolot (out of date).
"Before people say when is this old man going to go, you should go. Then only people will remember you. If you wait for people to kick you out then people will say nasty things about you."

Sam says – how come you don’t subscribe to your own opinion on holding positions for too long? Are you aware of the fact that (some, a lot of) people are saying nasty things about you?

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed said;
"Saya amat gembira. Daripada awal lagi saya telah menjangkakan kita (BN) boleh menang kerana itu kawasan kita. Isa memang kuat di situ dan orang India [berwarganegara Malaysia] juga sokong dia."

Sam says – Tun, didn’t you say this before the election?
"Tan Sri Isa has already been found guilty. If Umno fields him, it means that Umno is not serious about such cases. Even if he can win there, [we] have to consider what the whole of Malaysia thinks of Umno ... "A leader will not do anything to destroy the party. If you know that you are no longer qualified, for whatever reason, you stop. Don't cling on [to the post]."

K Kamine Devi, scored 10 A1s for SPM. Public Service Department (JPA) rejected her application for a scholarship to study medicine. Despite issuing a statement guaranteeing scholarships for students who scored 9 As.
"I refused to believe my eyes when I found out on Sunday through the PSD website that my application was unsuccessful. I felt that my world collapsed that day. I just want to become a doctor so I can serve the country."

PM Dato’ Seri Najib Razak said;
"We must bring the talents home and provide incentives to keep them home."

Sam says – People like Kamine Devi leave because they were not given equal opportunities in the first place. Do you seriously think incentives would entice them to come home after how they were treated by the (UMNO) government? Please lah.

Dato’ Seri Dr Khir Toyo said;
"The state government did not think... the cow's head was displayed because it is a 'stupid' animal, to show that the state government made a 'stupid' decision, and disrupted the peace of Section 23 residents. [It has] nothing to do with religious issues."**

Sam says – how stupid can you be? And he was MB? Memang Bodoh.

*apologies to Art Linkletter and Bill Cosby
** MIC Youth social and charity bureau head S Subramaniam lodged a police report against Khir Toyo for calling the cow "stupid" and said it showed his insensitivity towards Hinduism.

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