Monday, November 16, 2009

Let’s not Complicate Things

To be a Muslim, all one needs to do is adhere to the 5 ‘commandments’; believe without doubt that Allah is God and Muhammad is His messenger; pray 5 times a day; fast during Ramadhan; pay zakat and perform Haj in Baitullah, at least once.

In addition to those five, A Muslim must also believe in the one God, the Prophets as messengers of God, the Angels, the Quran being the word of God, judgement day and Qada’ and Qadar (should not be defined as ‘fate’ but ‘God’s plans’ instead which can be altered through prayers and effort).

Fulfilling the 11 conditions would make one a Muslim, maybe not a pious Muslim but a Muslim nonetheless.

So, what is wrong with being a Shiite, Sunni or Wahabbi? For as long as those 11 conditions are fulfilled, the Muslim-ness is complete. The differences between the sects and mazhabs are only in opinion, practices and interpretations of the rules of Shariah. For as long as one does not deviate from the 11, there should not be an issue as to which (legit) branch of Islam a Muslim follows.

I stand corrected.

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