Friday, November 13, 2009

How About Some Humility and Gratitude?

Some people think they are so great. They think too highly of themselves. They think everyone needs them and can’t survive if they are not around. They think they are sooo important. Maybe it’s in the genes.

I’m sorry to spoil the party, but no one is indispensable.

Some people are so selfish, short-sighted and ungrateful.

A concession given by top management (no one has ever gotten such a privilege) deserves some form of gratitude. A promotion despite being absent from active duty plus an unusually huge bonus also deserves some form of gratitude.

A lesson in business management
Organisations grow. A small 3-4 man department means everyone reports to the head. As things get bigger, the boss may need an assistant or two to supervise the burgeoning headcount. Some may not be reporting to the head anymore but their job scope widens with more responsibilities compared to before. One day, the department will grow even bigger, maybe more units will be created and the head will require more assistants to supervise the new, larger set-up.

Sometimes a little patience is all one needs. And how about some humility and gratitude?

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