Monday, November 9, 2009

Artificial Insemination

According to Mahmud Shaltut, al Fatwa; Caira: Matbu'at al Idarat al 'Ammat lil Thaqafah of al Ahzar, December 1959:
Artificial insemination with the sperm of a foreign person, is, under the Shariah, a grievous crime and a great sin and is tantamount to adultery, for their essence is the same and their result is also the same. For, it is the insertion of the sperm of a foreign person intentionally into a tilth which has not been legally tied to him through the bond of marriage.... The legal verdict for artificial insemination in that way is the same as that of adultery which has been condemned and prohibited by the divine Shariah.

Based on the above opinion, a child conceived under such method is considered illegitimate by Shariah as the sperm is not lawful for any woman unless she is married to the man giving the sperm. As is the case with donor eggs and a rented womb (surrogate pregnancy), these are not lawful for a man unless they come from his wife. IMHO, the process of surrogacy may not constitute zina, the outcome is the same, i.e. illegitimate child.


  1. darn... i posted a comment and it went dusshh... gone... anyway,

    can u imagine those children (or when they grow up) they will hv problem explaining themselves, coming fm a muslim country. but if they are from out thr a country who doesnt care how u were conceived, it doesnt really matter.. wht matters more is how u turn out to be, be good to yourself, your faith and community.

    does it make sense?
