Saturday, December 3, 2011

UMNO General Assembly 2011

This is the time of the year when everyone (except UMNO members, maybe even some UMNO members) avoid the roads around PWTC to avoid being caught in the jam. This is also the time of the year when hotels around PWTC are fully booked. This is the time of the UMNO General Assembly.

This time I saw (probably) the most desperate  general assembly in recent memory. Not that the previous assemblies were any better but this round it is really bad. This assembly was somewhat full of fear. Fear of losing power. That fear was however not countered by positive actions but instead was fought with threats. 

What I saw (through my reading of both mainstream and alternative news sources) was hatred, racism, spite and a whole lot of bull-shit (pun intended).

Shahrizat was of course the star of the show; She and her family's condo living (in Bangsar, no less!), Mercedes driving cows. She still maintains that the cows had nothing to do with her and the issue was raised to weakan Wanita UMNO. The only wanita member benefitting from the cows was Shahrizat so how she linked the cow attacks to the Wanita wing baffles me. Apparently the whole Wanita movement bought her story (apart from maybe a few smart-ish ones) and backed her all the way. Whether the backing was a show or genuine is left to be seen. She also got a strong supporter in the Pemuda chief, through his explanation of the escow account (yes, escow although some people thought he was talking about the escrow account, the Pemuda chief was actually talking about a new type of account, the escow account).

DAP bashing was also rife. UMNO leaders claims that The Malays (read: UMNO members) will be finished, the country will turn into a republic and a Christian PM will be installed if DAP comes to power. Very serious allegations. I dont see how it can happen though. The DAP can never have enough seats to form a government let alone appoint the PM. Getting rid of the Sultans requires more than just amending the constitution and no party with 40 odd seats can do that.

Muhyiddin's opening speech at the assembly was full of opponent bashing. The problem with bashing your opponents is that they will refute the allegations. worse is if they refute the allegation with evidence and arguments that proves you're wrong. Muhyiddin's speech may be greeted with thunderous applause by the chosen delegates but in time it might back fire. 

A general assembly should not be a place to sow hatred, lie and slander. Instead of arrogance maybe UMNO can show a little bit of humility.

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