Thursday, December 29, 2011


Why is Shahrizat Jalil still in the cabinet? Is she waiting for the cows (pun very much intended) to come home?

Why did we spend RM9 billion on a few (2nd grade?) warships? Are we planning to go to war?

Why isn't Ibrahim Ali arrested for causing racial unrest? 

Why is Wan Azizah the president of PKR? Does she serve any purpose?

Why is UMNO so afraid of Anwar? Why are they (UMNO) hell bent on destroying him? Why only Anwar and not Lim Guan Eng, Hadi Awang or Karpal Singh?

Why is Andy Carroll not scoring as regularly as he should?

Why does Najib insist on listing Felda Global?

Why is the central banker who lost billions in the forex market now a senior minister? 

Why are we still protecting Proton after almost 30 years? 

Why is PERKASA so afraid of the use of indelible ink during elections? Are they planning an electoral fraud?

Why did the chicken cross the road?

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