Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Questions on Parti Keadilan Rakyat

I'm sure a lot of people equate Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) with Anwar Ibrahim. The party itself was born out of Anwar's sacking and subsequent conviction. Is it true that the party exists for the sole purpose of making Anwar Prime Minister? What is the raison d'etre of PKR?

I admit I'm not a fan of UMNO's way of doing things. Although I'm all for a change in government, I'm also not a fan of PKR's way of doing some things. I've always seen them as a party of rejects and frustrated politicians. Having said that, I must also admit they have quite a number of brilliant young minds in their fold.

My first question on PKR is Anwar. Why is he the "Ketua Umum"? What is a Ketua Umum? Is there a need for a Ketua Umum? Technical issues may have prevented Anwar from running for the President's post but is there a need to create a post for him? Why can't he just say ok I'll just be an ordinary member since I can't legally be the president? By creating that post for him proves PKR is all about Anwar Ibrahim. 

Even the logo is styled after his black eye.

Why is his wife the President? yes, she was nominated and won the support of party members but maybe there is someone more qualified, more suited for the role. Someone without nepotism written all over their faces. To me, Wan Azizah is merely Anwar's spokesperson. 

Why is Anwar the economic adviser for Selangor? By appointing him shows that the party is not confident of Khalid Ibrahim's ability. Does Selangor need an economic adviser in the first place? Even if they did, wouldn't they be better off appointing an actual economist like KS Jomo for example? 

PKR was not ready to win as many seats as they did in 2008. That is why they had so many defections. I'm guessing most of their candidates were parachuted in simply because they did not have enough qualified potential lawmakers. I'm also guessing nepotism played a part when friends like Kamarul Bahrin and Zahrain Hashim got to contest. Well I guess when you are short of candidates what else can you do but call on friends. Maybe that was the case, to give Anwar benefit of the doubt. Maybe they were also desperate for big-ish name candidates.

Can PKR survive without Anwar? What will they be post Anwar? I'm not keen on Anwar being PM not because I believe he is a homosexual (or bi-sexual given that he's married with lots of kids). Whether he gay or not is not my problem. I haven't seen him do it so I shouldn't be commenting on the issue but I've never liked him even back when he was in UMNO. He was part of the UMNO political-business culture, there was even a group of stocks on the KL stock exchange referred to as Anwar stocks; MRCB, NSTP, Phileo and a few more I can't remember. I'm guessing the reason why we have two different LRT systems (PUTRA & STAR) is to satisfy all parties, Anwar being one of them.

What is Anwar's motivation to become PM? To get back at Mahathir? 

Whatever it is, the party must shake off the "Anwar image". He won't be around for long but the party has to live beyond his years and needs a cause beyond Anwar Ibrahim.

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