Saturday, December 24, 2011

Adam Adli – Hero or Villain?

Adam Adli’s sin was the lowering of a flag in the compound of PWTC bearing the Prime Minister’s face and replacing it with BEBAS’ flag. The flag-down, flag-up operation happened briefly and according to Adam, Najib’s flag was back up within five minutes. Adam says he won’t apologise for his actions because it could demoralise his comrades.

For his efforts, Adam got;
1.      A ‘spitting’ video message from car salesman Arman Azha of PJ UMNO and ex PERKASA youth head.
2.   Disciplinary action from University Pendidikan Sultan Idris ( UPSI) charged with damaging the 'good name' of UPSI and he has 'endangered morals and public order'.
3.       Death threat via SMS
4.       A policeman attempted to punch him in the compound of Bukit Aman when he went to make a report over the SMS.
5.       Accused of being gay.

Why did he do it?  
Adam said he wanted to put a message across that university students should not be scared about expressing their views when they are aware of discrimination and mismanagement happening in the country. “Some students who saw this shouted victory. I felt that victory was not in succeeding to meet a deputy minister but to make a strong statement,” he said.

So I take it that the flag incident was merely a symbolic act of proclaiming victory.

Why the widespread condemnation?
Rude (kurang ajar – not taught enough) was what most detractors called the act. He went to PWTC, home of UMNO and insulted the flag of its president. Yes, it was rude. However, some of those condemning his act are also guilty of supporting similar rude acts like stepping on pictures of MPs, burning pictures of opponents and sending a turd* shaped cakes to the CM of Penang.

On the same note, is it fair for that Mazidul guy (formerly TV3’s 999 host) to judge Adam based on only a few selected lines of his twitter statements? Would Mazidul be happy if people were to judge him based on one incident involving the police in Johor Bahru while disregarding the verdict?

I have to say Adam’s actions were somewhat inappropriate given the sensitivities of the people, especially UMNO members. He was asking for trouble when he lowered the flag because Malaysians in general are not ready for such acts of symbolism. I doubt however he’ll get the same amount of condemnation had he lowered PKR’s flag.

On the other hand, he’s 22 and an idealist. He was fighting a cause he and his friends believed in. He was prepared to go all the way. He had guts.  Adam, despite his immaturities could be a prominent politician in the making.

*A turd is generally, a log-shaped piece of sh*t. Nevertheless, they are also found in coil-shape, mushroom-cloud shape, and even loch ness monster shape. []
** picture from

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