Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

I’m not making any new resolutions this year. I’ve given up on giving up smoking. I however have some new year’s wishes. 

 I wish 

  1. Car prices in Malaysia will come down; 
  2. Malaysians will respect the traffic laws; 
  3. The government will compel buses, lorries and heavy vehicles to use NGV instead of diesel;
  4. The officers of the MACC will find their conscience, guts, balls and especially brains; 
  5. Utusan and PERKASA be punished for their lies, thuggery and racist behaviour; 
  6. UMNO will admit that they are a bunch of greedy and racist bigots; 
  7. Liverpool will be more consistent and start winning home games; 
  8. Islamic finance will break away from being carbon copies of conventional finance 

 While I’m at it, I might as well wish for world peace. 

 Sigh …

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