Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Studying Overseas

We should send our undergraduates overseas for two main reasons; (1) the intended course is unavailable locally or insufficient space in local universities; (2) the student gets admitted into a globally recognised top university.
Graduate students on the other hand should preferably be sent overseas to gain international exposure.

There is always a university league table to gauge each university’s quality of teaching and research.

LSE, Oxford and Cambridge are the top 3 Law schools in the UK* UCL, Durham, QM, Reading, Edinburgh and Glasgow makes up the top ten.

LSE, Oxford and Cambridge again tops the table for Economics* while Reading is at 54th. So, while it is okay for Law students to go to Reading, it would not be okay for Economics student to go to the same university. Similarly, Durham is 7th for Economics but a no go for Mechanical Engineering as it is ranked 26th.

As far as UK is concerned, the old universities still dominate the standings. A few new universities of the 60s like Warwick and Lancaster have joined the elites but most of the even newer universities, the former polytechnics have yet to break into the top 50 save for Oxford Brooks and Hertfordshire at 46 and 48 respectively.


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