Monday, December 12, 2011

Ezam says DAP is Evil

Ezam Mohd Nor went to jail for Anwar Ibrahim. Ezam promised us (the rakyat) boxes of proof of wrongdoings by UMNO leaders. Ezam was a reformasi hero. He represented the younger generation in the fight for justice. Notice all that he was is in the past tense. He is no longer all that. From one of the most vocal voices against UMNO, he has now gone back to the dark side. He is now Senator Ezam. Now he has nothing but good things to say about UMNO. He has truly been turned over.

I just wrote is a whole paragraph of what everyone already know.

Ezam is still always in the news. The most recent is when he warned us of the DAP's cruel intentions. Yes, he knows what the DAP is up to. Ezam knows all. Ezam says DAP will turn Malaysia into Singapore. 

I say hooray to that.

I too want us to be like Singapore. 
I want Malaysia to have an efficient MRT system like Singapore. 
I want Malaysia to have a booming port like Singapore. 
I want Malaysian cities and towns to be clean like Singapore. 
I want our education system to have a good reputation and standing like Singapore's. 
I want our Khazanah to be as big as Singapore's Temasek. 
I want Malaysia airlines to be as profitable as Singapore Airlines. 
I want KLIA to be as popular as Changi. 
I want Malaysia to be a choice destination for investors and tourists just like Singapore is. 

I know Singapore is not perfect. No country is. I still would like us to emulate Singapore, the positives of Singapore. Like the Malay saying "ambil yang jernih ...", just take the good stuff.  

We all know what Ezam meant. He was directing his remarks to the Malays. He is warning us Malays that we will become marginalised like the Malays in Singapore if DAP/PR comes to power.

I disagree.

Firstly, are the Malays in Singapore marginalised? I don't know. 
Secondly, is there an official government policy that gives preference to the Chinese over the Malays in Singapore? I don't think so.

Singaporean Malays forms 15% of the population. Almost two thirds of Malaysians are Malays. 
The Malaysian police and armed forces are almost exclusively Malay. So is the Malaysian civil service.
The Malaysian parliamentary configuration favours the Malays. There is no way DAP can have more seats than PAS or PKR.

Given the statistics and reality, is it even possible for the DAP to dictate terms when PR comes to power? 

Malays would not be in trouble if DAP/PR comes to power. Naughty UMNO members will. 

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