Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I haven't been updating this blog for a while, now I'm not really sure how or what to blog about. running through the postings I've noticed it covers a whole range of topics; from politics to sports to gibberish. Maybe that's why I said I'll write whatever comes to mind. The upside to that is I am free to speak (write) my mind without fear of prosecution (given the caveat) but the downside is my thoughts may not be commercially accepted. Then again, this is not a for-profit -blog so having two loyal readers is not really a concern.

Politics shall be one of the main issues posted here simply because there is so much happening in the political scene now that elections can be called anytime. Plus, when it comes to politics, everyone has something to say.

Sports, particularly football, will also be a regular topic. Non-political Malaysian issues will also be discussed whenever an interesting issue arises. In short, the blog will continue to look the same as it was before the hiatus.

I'm back. I hope

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