Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Money Politics, Gutter Politics

Da Bomb
I was not surprised by Tan Sri Kadir Sheikh Fadzir’s revelation that BN used money to buy votes and I’m sure I’m not alone. I however hope that his expose does not end there. I look forward to more details, not only how it was done but more of who did it and who funded the bombing exercise. That would be juicy.

Kadir even called the BN government a big bully for not giving PAS a publishing licence and he also indicated that BN is guity of power abuse for using the Ministry of Information, Felda, Felcra, the Special Branch and other federal agencies to support their (election) campaign.

On the other hand, I have this to ask the good Tan Sri, did you give equal media access to the opposition when you were the Information Minister?

We shall wait and see how UMNO reacts to his allegations.  

Mahathir vs. Anwar
Why is Mahathir so hell bent on destroying Anwar? Is he afraid of the man? If so, why?

His latest rant is on homosexuality and whether Anwar will legalise it. For a former lawmaker, Tun M should know that the job of legalising this or that lies with the parliament and unless Anwar can get at least 148 MPs to support his ‘legalisation’ plan, it won’t happen. Do you think the PAS guys in parliament would agree to that? I don’t think so. So to answer Tun M’s question, even if Anwar wanted to, he can’t get enough numbers to support him. In case Mahathir forgot, that is what a democracy is all about.

UMNO is Hassan Ali’s best friend nowadays and Nasharuddin Mat Isa doesn’t hide his desire to be an UMNO man. If Nasharuddin feels that PAS doesn’t share his aspirations anymore, he should either give in and support the party as a loyal member or quit and find another platform where his views and aspirations are accepted. By using the opponents channel to air his views, he clearly shows his loyalty does not lie with PAS anymore.

Why is Hassan Ali embarking on a nationwide tour to explain his sacking? Does he seriously think people would care? Who does he think he is?

Is Pakatan a viable alternative?
What choice do we have? There is no more MCLM and KITA is more or less dead. I’m not sure how well the PR state governments are doing but if one were to believe the alternative media, Selangor and Penang are doing reasonably well. If you on the other hand believe the mainstream (read – BN controlled) media, those two states are approaching anarchy. I’m not sure how Kedah and Kelantan are doing, nothing much is heard of them which could mean the (BN) media cannot find any thing bad to exaggerate.

With the corruption scandals engulfing a few ministers, the NFC, PERKASA digging graves for MCA and MIC, Sheikh Kadir’s revelations (which won’t find any space in Utusan) and Isa Samad’s FELDA power grab; I won’t be surprised if PR wins a few more states, maybe even reducing BN’s win to a simple majority. If BN wins that is. God forbid.

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