Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Raja Petra?

What’s Raja Petra/RPK/Pete up to now? The problem with this man IMHO is that he is so full of himself. He is so self righteous. My view of RPK is that he thinks no one else is right except for him, no one knows more than him, no one else is more pious than him and he thinks his religious knowledge is more than Yusof Qardhawi. The man has a super huge ego.

Like most people, I used to admire his courage but at the same time I doubted his sincerity. He was once webmaster for the Free Anwar Campaign (FAC) but now he’s saying Anwar is not morally fit to become PM. From a staunch Anwar defender he now says the man in the sex video is 90 percent Anwar. If anything, RPK is no different from Ezam Mohd Noor, Zulkifli Nordin, Nallakarupan, Chandra Muzaffar and Zahrain Hashim.

I also foresee the death of the MCLM especially after Haris Ibrahim’s resignation.

Am I defending Anwar? No. I’m not his biggest fan. Not even a fan in fact. I disagreed with his ways and I still disagree today. I’m sure many people remember who indirectly control NSTP and TV3 pre 1998. The market back then viewed MRCB as an ‘Anwar Company’ and because of this, I don’t think Anwar has the moral ground to trash UMNO linked businesses and UMNO’s use of the media to further their cause. He was once one of them.

I’m also not happy with Anwar appointing himself the ‘economic adviser to the state of Selangor’ and I still believe that his push to get to Putrajaya is motivated by revenge. On that score, yes I agree with RPK that Anwar is not fit to become PM, not because of his morals but because his motivation may be misplaced.

Many are accusing RPK of selling out to UMNO. Whatever it is, he is now irrelevant and without credibility.

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