Monday, January 9, 2012

A Few Things I Remember About 2011

So many interesting events took place in 2011; from the short-lived joy of thinking the ISA is abolished to the joys of beating Indonesia in football not once but twice! I have listed a few that still sticks to my mind despite leaving the year nine days ago…

GLCs told to drop lawsuits against Tajuddin Ramli (rating – super stupid)
Malaysian Insider reported that Dato’ Seri  Nazri Aziz, minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, said he had written to GLCs to withdraw their suits, worth at least RM2 billion, to buy time for all concerned parties to reach a “win-win” agreement and put an end to the prolonged financial saga involving Tajuddin. He said the matter was referred to Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Husni Hanadzlah who then directed him to pen the letter. “Since it involved the law and I am the minister in charge of law, Husni told me, “Why don’t you look into this”. It is not a cloak-and-dagger move ... we knew this would come out somehow and there is nothing to hide. I wrote that letter using my letterhead,” said Nazri.

Is there any accountability in this country? What about respect for the minority shareholders of the GLCs? This is blatant abuse of power and a daylight robbery of taxpayers’ money. Tajuddin must know a lot of things that could bring a lot of people down. Tajuddin had claimed that Dr Mahathir and Daim had forced him to buy a 32 per cent stake in MAS from Bank Negara at RM8 per share instead of the market price of RM3.50 to bail out the central bank which was hit by multi-billion ringgit foreign exchange losses.

Bersih 2.0 = Communism = Christian agenda? (rating – oxymoronic idiotic racists)
Utusan Malaysia, former IGP (and wannabe boxer) Rahim, Deputy CPO of Penang, Ibrahim Ali and numerous ‘anonymous sources’ claim that BERSIH has an alternative agenda and electoral reform has nothing to do wit it. They claim BERSIH is out to turn the country into a communist-Christian state. How that is possible I do not know because the last time I checked, the commies are atheists.

Najib meeting the Pope in Vatican City? The Pope sounds very Christian to me.
The government welcoming Wen Jiabao with open arms? Isn’t he the leader of the largest communist party in the world?

Petty KJ (rating – childish)
Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin made a comment about how Public Bank celebrated their anniversary by posting on Twitter about “Malaysia’s latest religious cult: Public Bank. Kim Jong Il would be jealous”; together with a link to YouTube. I would like to remind KJ how Public Bank decide to celebrate their 45th anniversary should be none of his concern. If they want to glorify the man who made the bank the strongest, biggest, most profitable bank in the country, it is also none of KJ’s concern. Why are you so bitter KJ? Is it because you have never achieved anything significant in your life? By the way, marrying for power is not an achievement.

Perkasa (rating – super duper stupid-er)
The brainless and racist Malays in Perkasa are threatening action if no punishment for Ambiga, Anwar, DAP. The bigots led by Ibrahim Ali demands that Ambiga be punished for having a lot to do with the Bersih rally; Anwar be punished for appearing in a sex video (was it really him?) and DAP be punished for planning to turn Malaysia into a Christian country. I doubt Karpal Singh is a Christian or Lim Guan Eng for that matter …
Now PERKASA wants to be defenders of Islam. The people who are behaving so un-Islamic want to be defenders of Islam?

Shah Alam hospital (rating – sad)
Is still not complete. The main contractor is the sister of the Sultan of Selangor. Didn’t know she’s a contractor. Shouldn’t a 480+ million ringgit contract be given to the more established (i.e. reputable = lower risk) contractors? Will the Shah Alam folks ever get a government hospital? 

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