Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I am Confused

I often hear people especially from the rural areas saying that if Pakatan gets into power, the dominant party will be DAP and Malays will be marginalised and side-lined and discriminated against. They say if Pakatan wins, PAS will become DAP’s lackey, an insignificant member of the coalition with no say on anything.

The rural Malays’ perception of DAP (as told by Utusan Malaysia) is that it is a Chinese dominated anti Malay, anti Islam party. They may be right about the party being Chinese dominated but I’m not so sure about it being anti Malay or anti Islam. On that score, I need more concrete proof and hearsay cannot be considered concrete proof and I cannot accept anything coming out from Utusan as concrete proof.

The rural Malays are made to believe (by Utusan) that it will be the end of the Malay race should DAP and Pakatan rule the country.

Why am I confused?

I am confused because I also have read [here] MCA politicians saying if Pakatan wins the election, PAS will institute Islamic laws and impose it upon everyone and all hell will break loose. They say the DAP is PAS’ lackey; errand boy. The soiled MCA President says that “It is PAS that is going to be the dominant party. It is PAS that is going to call the shots; it is PAS that will rule the day if they (the opposition) come to power.

I am confused because how can one party (UMNO) says DAP is riding on and manipulating PAS while another BN component party (MCA) is saying the opposite? Why are they singing contradictory tunes? One of them must be lying or worse, both of them are.

Images from tunkuaishai.blogspot; bbcatlover.blogspot

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