Monday, August 24, 2009

Political Agenda

I was asked, if I were to stand for election what would be my platform, my agenda. I’m not a leftist (to some people, PAS supporters are leftists) but I tend to agree with some socialist ideas. click here for Socialism - the Misunderstood Ideology

So I guess my agenda would be socialist-ish, or to put it in a nicer way – pro social services.
What is a “pro social services” agenda? I believe that the Government is responsible for ensuring basic necessities of a decent quality are provided to the people.

What are the basic necessities?
1) Free quality education
Education polices must be designed to produce independent, creative, thinking students.
Education must be balanced; academic, sports and co-curricular.
Well trained and compensated teaching staff.
Conducive study environment, small class size, comfortable classrooms
2) Free quality healthcare
Well trained and compensated medical staff of all levels from surgeons to ambulance drivers.
Up to date and well maintained medical equipment and facilities
Sufficient and comfortable beds and wards
Prompt and professional emergency response
3) Proper residential facilities for all
600 sq feet flat in an overcrowded 18 storey tower block is NOT proper housing.
Every family should be given the opportunity to own a 3 bedroom house of not less than 900 sq feet in size.
Sufficient parks and playgrounds must be provided for recreational activities. Public sporting facilities are to be provided at minimal cost.

How do we finance this?
Some of the tax money (personal income tax, sales tax, imports tax, etc.) should be channelled for this purpose. What about using some of the oil revenue to fund these programmes? Schools and hospital buildings can also be built on a Build-Lease-Transfer (BLT) concept with the private sector.
4) Environment friendly actions
(i) Energy - Homes, offices, schools, hospital and factories will be fitted with solar panels to generate power for their own use and excess power will be sold to the national grid. (ii) Water – water recycling programmes will be undertaken where all used water from residential homes, offices, shops, schools and hospitals (except for toilet water) as well as used ablution water from mosques will be channelled to a recycling centre to be recycled and reused.
(iii) The public will be educated on
paper, glass, aluminium and plastic recycling. Collection centres will be set up to ensure easy disposal of recyclable items.
(iv) Use of
NGV to power commercial vehicles instead of Diesel.

On a micro scale, that is how my "pro social services" agenda might look like.

1 comment:

  1. Noble thought! Free education and ain’t cheap or easy, but with time, resources & ppl (with the right intention and attitude), it’s doable

    As for proper residential, is there land/space to accommodate such facilities? Unless u r willing to sacrifice nature (what’s left of it). As it is, it’s sad to see ancient rainforests being destroyed to make way for industrial parks, palm oil plantations (ok ni dah different topic!)

    I love the idea of solar panels. The panels itself are expensive, but if you can make them accessible/affordable, it’ll be great! Good for ppl as well as environment :)
