Thursday, August 6, 2009

Lost in Switzerland

My feeble attempt at poetry ...

As I stand by the River Rhine,
I see no reason for me to whine
About life and its trials and tribulations
Despite the loss causing all the tension.

As I walk the streets of Basel,
I see no need to make such a hassle
A silver lining, it is in every cloud
The tears will dry, it is without a doubt.

Walking along Lake Geneva
Vows made remain foreva'
Mere words mean nothing they are,
Only memories keeps it alive, from afar.

The Swiss mountains is what I see,
Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be
If in the end, life I could not stand
Like the marquess, I have to say when.

1 comment:

  1. well, i'm no poet but not bad for a first attempt i thought :)
