Friday, August 21, 2009

Ku Li Speaks

No, that is the name of his blog. But he had this to say about UMNO/BN’s candidate for the Permatang Pasir by-election;

“By fielding a disbarred lawyer, today’s UMNO is projecting the image that it lives by a different moral code from the rest of Malaysia. One set of rules for UMNO, and another for everyone else. Either that, or this is the best we can do”.

Why isn’t anyone listening to this man? Overhauling our image to regain people’s trust is not easy, cannot be done via lip service or mere rhetoric. It takes a lot of courage, involves a lot of pain and will bring about many casualties. If UMNO is serious about re-branding and getting back in the good books of the voters, they must be prepared to bite the bullet and do the right thing.

To start off, maybe they should undertake a selection and promotion process based on merit, ability and qualification and not based on patronage and money.

But hey, I’m an outsider, what do I know about the intricate workings of a political party like UMNO, so I better shut up and just vote as instructed. Not!

1 comment:

  1. sometimes i wonder whether those in power (in UMNO, i mean)even think of implications of their actions!it's time for UMNO to grow up. Have they not learn anything from the last election?
