Friday, August 21, 2009

Century Mark

I’m finally here, eight or so months after the first posting, this humble blog has reached the magical figure of 100 postings. I may sound like putting myself in a basket and carrying it myself, but I’m kind of proud with my achievement. Well, it’s not much of an achievement seeing that many others have blogged more and better but given my circumstances, I must say I’ve done well, for my standards at least. ;-)

I have a hit-counter for my blogs but the counter doesn’t really tell who the individual visitors are, half of them is probably me! So, to all my loyal readers, I want to say a very BIG THANK YOU for your support, comments and clicks. Knowing that some people are reading the ramblings of my unsound mind makes me wanna write more.

Again, thank you all for your support; I hope you have enjoyed your time here and please come back for more.

Terima Kasih


  1. congratulatios! interesting things you write...may be you should "war2" kan your blog.

  2. Interesting writings & some are informative (esp the ones on Islamic banking/finance)

    Btw, if u were to run for election, what will be ur agenda?

    Congrats and keep it comin’!

  3. Thank you for your support

    1)War-war? As in promote? Hmmm

    2)I haven't really thought of 1 main agenda but the main feature would be social welfare, focus would be on eradicating the hardcore poor via education opportunities ... a posting on my agenda will come up soon :)
