Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Moral Policing

This is a very sticky and sensitive issue – religious and moral policing.

Selangor PAS has been making the headlines lately with their alcoholic decrees. First it was banning the sale of alcohol by Muslims to Muslims, and now the empowerment of Mosque officials (imams, bilals and siaks) to caution (which will lead to an arrest) Muslims caught consuming alcohol.

Alcoholic beverages are bad for the health. All religions and doctors agree with that fact. Why is it bad? Apparently it destroys the liver. Consumption in large quantities could cause drunkenness and could result in bad and/or dangerous behaviour. The British Crime Survey 2007/08 has this to say about the effects of alcohol:

  • In nearly half (45%) of all violent incidents, victims believed offenders to be under the influence of alcohol.
  • This figure rose to 58% in cases of attacks by people they did not know.
  • 37% of domestic violence cases involve alcohol.
  • In nearly a million violent attacks in 2007-08, the aggressors were believed to be drunk.

My view – we don’t need religious and moral policing. Let’s self regulate ourselves. Let’s educate ourselves and our families. The authorities should take the education route; teach Muslims the laws of Islam form a young age, inculcate the Islamic way of life amongst Muslims.

A Muslim should abide by the rules of Shariah and know what is permissible and what is forbidden. A straight talking ustaz once told me; if one does not want to adhere to the laws of Islam, one would be a Muslim only in name and nothing else.

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