Thursday, August 20, 2009

Holy Matrimony

Divorces are a messy affair. In America, the richest lawyers are probably the divorce lawyers. I reckon surges in circulation of gossip and entertainment magazines are due to them carrying celebrity divorce stories. Non-celebrities become household names when their divorce is splashed across the newspaper pages. Dirty linen is washed in public, details are exposed and reputations are tarnished when divorce proceedings get out of control. Demands are often unreasonable and exorbitant. Children (if any), parents (of the divorcing couple) and family suffer, often beyond repair.

There is a divorce case that went on for more than five years. One party keeps on demanding more money and became unreasonable, unfriendly and offensive. Why? Is it greed or just plain bitter? Or is it just a way to get back at the other party? Things are already bad enough, why make it worse? End the misery and move on lah!

There is also another case where the proceedings are sorted out in less than a year. One party walks out, serves the papers, sorts it out in court and plans the next wedding. Wounds remain, no doubt, but the messy process is kept simple, avoiding blowing it up and things are not made worse. Life goes on.

Life has to go on, don't waste it.

1 comment:

  1. yup...divorce, one messy affair. it is sad when love turns into hate.
