Thursday, April 30, 2009

Taxman Calls

How to Legally Reduce Taxes

1) File separate tax returns if both husband and wife are working – each spouse can claim RM8000 personal tax relief instead of RM3000 for either one under a joint submission
2) Save for children’s education – tax relief of RM3000 each spouse
3) Make charitable contribution to approved organisations
4) Read more – tax relief of up to RM1000 on book purchases supported by receipts
5) Play sports – tax deduction of up to RM300 for purchases of sporting equipment
6) Buy life insurance – tax relief of up to RM6000
7) Take up medical and/or Education policy – tax relief of up to RM3000
8) Pay parents’ medical bills - tax deduction of up to RM300
9) Full medical check up – RM500 tax deduction
10) Pay Zakat – tax rebate on full amount of zakat paid
11) Buy a computer– RM3000 tax rebate (once every three years)
12) Take up post-graduate study in recognised institution – tax relief of RM5000

Income tax is not the only form of tax we pay; there is also the road tax, sales (GST) tax, import tax, sin tax (for smokers & drinkers), airport tax, levies as well as duties. I’m not saying we should avoid paying taxes, as responsible citizens we must fulfil our tax obligations. At the same time we also expect to get our money’s worth when we pay taxes, we expect good (free) roads, proper amenities and public transport system, quality medical service, a excellent education system, and welfare of the less privilaged being well taken care of.

As tax payers we demand that our hard earned money is not abused, wasted and used to enrich a select few.

1 comment:

  1. paid quite a sum of income tax, so pls. BN do not waste my hard earned money!!
