Thursday, April 16, 2009

Quality, Quantity, Reputation?

A Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM, formerly known as KUIM) lecturer who passed only four out of 157 of her law students claims she was forced to resign so that the university could protect its reputation, Kosmo! reported.

According to this lecturer, only 4 of her 157 students met the minimum standards for a pass and she would not bow to her bosses’ pressure to give sympathy marks to those undeserved just to protect the university's reputation or meet their KPIs.

Her bosses asked her to give free marks just to pass some students! Damn! If people running our universities have this kind of attitude, we should not be surprised that our local universities produce crappy, lousy graduates.

The thing is, exam results reflects the students ability at a given point of time taking into consideration his/her mental and physical state. A string of As is not an accurate indication of intelligence neither is a string of Ds an indication of stupidity although there may be some truth in that but other factors like mental readiness, physical fitness, effort, attitude, luck or ability to memorise plays a part in the exam results.

The bell curve should not dictate how many students pass and how many fail. How the students fare should be determined through the close book exam results, project presentations, project paper, attendance and attitude. Those who meet the minimum requirements should be given a pass and those who doesn’t, deserve to fail.

I admire and praise the lecturer’s stance and with more educationists like her, the country can look forward to the production of quality graduates who can actually string a proper sentence, in any language!


  1. yeah, Fs do not mean i'm stupid... i mean that student is stupid, and honestly, university education is not that great anyway, especially in this case.. life experience is more important, and reading.. just read, and it will take you places and i mean literally too, not just mentally... so it doesnt matter if your kid doesn't want to go to uni right after spending 12 straight, full, years of school, as long as they are not being useless dicks, let them be, eh?

  2. An F does not denote stupidity, it just shows how lazy the person is.
    An A is not a measure of intelligence, it merely indicates that the person is harworking and is interested in acquiring knowledge.

    A useless dick has many definitions and one of them to is someone who has no interest in fulfilling his/her potential to the fullest.
