Monday, April 6, 2009

DPMs Galore

The Star, Monday April 6, 2009Better voice in government with a Chinese Deputy PM, says WeeSUNGAI PETANI: The proposed appointment of a Chinese Deputy Prime Minister will give the Chinese people in the country a better representation in government, said MCA Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong.
“We welcome such a proposal and hope it will materialise,” said Dr Wee, who is also a Deputy Education Minister.
He was asked to comment on MCA deputy secretary-general Datuk Loke Yuen Yow’s call to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to create a post for a Chinese Deputy Prime Minister and a Chinese Barisan Nasional deputy chairman and appoint MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat to the two posts.

I don’t think I’m a racist nor am I a Malay ultra/supremacist. But I have to disagree with the opinion/request of the MCA. If we appoint a Chinese DPM, the MIC will request for an Indian DPM, PBDS will request for an Iban DPM, PBS will request for a Kadazan DPM and we’ll end up having half a dozen DPMs, if not more.

Why can’t we just have one DPM but do not make it exclusive to the Deputy President of UMNO. Make it open to all regardless of race; after all, it is enshired in the constitution that only a Bumiputera can be a PM, so the Malays need not worry about having a non-Malay as PM.

Having said that, maybe Malaysia should consider scrapping the race based quota system, it is economically inefficient, its effectiveness is much doubted and how do you expect the Malays to successfully compete with the Chinese (from China/Taiwan), Indians (from the Indian sub-continent) and the rest of the world if they’re not used to competing at home?


  1. Saya setuju, ngeh ngeh ngeh. When did you change your mind? Have always felt embarrassed about the Keistimewaan Bumiputra, especially when a Malaysian friend couldn't get something BECAUSE of that...

  2. Change my mind? Never kot?

    A friend once told me I'm a racist because I kutuk Malays a lot ... heheh

  3. only malays allowed to kutuk malays, black allowed to kutuk blacks, chinese allowed to kutuk chinese, etc... i don't care who becomes PM or DPM of Malaysia, as long as that person is not corrupt, greedy and of course is a muslim... am i racist for saying that..? isn't malaysia a muslim country therefore need to have a muslim PM?

  4. Malaysia is not a Muslim country, it is a country with sizeable Muslim population and made Islam it's official religion.
    A Muslim PM per se may not be necessary as long as the country has strict laws protecting Muslim rights.
