Friday, April 10, 2009

The New Cabinet

The new cabinet was announced on 9 April 2009. There were lots of surprises but there were even more disappointments.

One thing for sure is, Mahathir is still in control.

KJ will have a tough time fighting for his political relevance. But all hope is not yet lost, Zahid Hamidi, the last Youth head who was not made a minister made an amazing comeback 10 years after being thrown into the political wilderness, not to mention Kamunting. So, KJ should take a leaf out of that and sleep well.

No, I’m not a KJ man. I don’t even want to be in the same room as him, won’t touch him even with a 10 foot pole.

Hishamuddin – his appointment as Home Minister is just to expand his CV, getting ready for the day he is appointed DPM. My bet is if BN wins the next election, Najib will stay on as PM for as long as he can until Muhyiddin gives up waiting. Then the road is clear for Hishamuddin to be appointed DPM. Just like their dads.

Rais Yatim – he’s not that old, he can still provide good service but I think we need new ideas, new blood.

Apparently (according to The Star) Anifah Aman was made Foreign Minister because of his good command of English. So does my 4 year old niece, so according to that logic, she is Foreign Minister material.

Zahid Hamidi – proves that 1998/99 was a temporary setback. Whatever happened to his relationship with Anwar?

Sulaiman Taib – Deputy Tourism Minister – our night clubs will be promoted all over the world now. I look forward to see the red London bus displaying adverts of Zouk, Rum Jungle, Pulse, Heritage Row etc with the smiling Sulaiman at the corner. (for the less informed, Azalina had a billboard showing local tourist attractions with the smiling PM, DPM & herself at the corner).

Mukhriz oh Mukhriz … it is bloody obvious ain’t it? A kick in the balls for KJ.

Shahrir Samad is perceived as non-corrupted but he's not included in this "clean" cabinet. Oh, he lost the supreme council seat, but he's still an MP isn't he? So, what is the criteria to be a Minister? MP or UMNO SC?

Why is Nazri Aziz still in the cabinet?
Wouldn’t Amirsham make a better Finance Minister than Husni, or even Najib for that matter?
Why is Ali Rustam still CM?

Good riddance - Muhammad Taib, Azalina and Syed Hamid

All is not lost though; I applaud Mustapha Mohamed’s appointment at MITI. Ummm that’s the only applause I can give …

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