Monday, April 13, 2009

Service Before Self

These past few days have seen demands from MCA and MIC for cabinet positions. The main justification for their demands was to ensure the interests of their respective communities are taken care of.

I’m baffled. Seriously. President Ong and President Samy seem to suggest that the interests of a particular race can only be taken care of when there is a Minister from that race in the cabinet? What ever happened to the dictum that Ministers are supposed to protect the rights and interests of all Malaysians regardless of their race? Are these two Presidents suggesting that the interests of the Chinese and Indians will be at risk if all Ministers are Malay, or vice versa? On the same note, why is UMNO projecting ex-MB (or MB, depending on whose side you're on) Nizar as a Chinese puppet? Isn’t it his job to take care of the rakyat, regardless of their race?

I think there is a serious flaw in the thinking of Malaysian politicians. Or maybe they are a bunch of hypocrites.

The problem is we have to see things from the Malaysian perspective, not from communal angles anymore. We must have faith that a person appointed Minister will have our best interests at heart, regardless of his race or ours.

That’s what you call a public servant. That’s what professionalism and fairness is all about.

1 comment:

  1. sometimes ignorance is bliss, sometimes it's help.
