Tuesday, April 14, 2009

ANHEDONIA – Pleasure Killing Disease

Anhedonia is a medical condition that most people are not aware of. The sufferer of Anhedonia is unable to obtain pleasure from normal enjoyable experiences such as playing games, eating, social interactions or sexual activities. The condition was identified back in the 19th century but only came into attention in the 1980s. Anhedonia is now recognised as a core symptom of depression and the Institute of Psychiatry in London is highlighting the links between the brain and depressive illness.

Symptoms of Anhedonia are as follows:
1. An anhedonic patient has an incredibly flat mood;
2. They cannot react properly or feel anything or in other words there is no variation of mood, they have difficulties in expression weather it be happy or sad event.;
3. Anhedonia places a great strain on relationships, and is usually accompanied by a loss of sexual drive;
4. Depression has become a very common condition in today's life; it affects one in every five people. At some time in their lives, anhedonia in combination with depression can cause potentially fatal illness and even suicide.

There are so many fatal diseases, silent killers amongst us but most people are not aware that they could be at risk. Some diseases can be attributed to a person’s lifestyle, eating habits etc but those which cannot be linked to a person’s way of life tend to be more dangerous, and when it strikes, it catches everyone in surprise.

They say ignorance is bliss or is it?



  1. depression is a serious issue, and whether it is a real disease or just a phase, loved ones should not ignore because if not helped it can have serious negative impact on everybody. orang Melayu call post natal depression meroyan and say the mother is gila... ignorance is never bliss especially when it is too late.. so be aware and care for your children...

  2. Gila is not a bad word and in the case of meroyan, gila refers to the behaviour and not the mental state
