Thursday, April 30, 2009

Maybe They Are Senile

The UMNO Veterans Council, formerly known as the UMNO Veterans Club, has proposed that PAS merges back with UMNO to ensure a better future for the Malays and Muslims in the country. UMNO Veterans information head Datuk Dr Dzulkarnain Abdul Rahman made the proposal at a press conference after the UMNO Veterans meeting at the Putra World Trade Centre. (The Malaysian Insider, 30 April 2009)

They think that PAS can merge with UMNO for the sake of the Malays and Muslims like they had pushed for during the pre-independence era. They also claim PAS was also a part of UMNO previously.

The objective of the merger proposal is to ensure Malay and Muslim unity. The problem is merging PAS with UMNO will not create Malay and/or Muslim unity.

The foundations on which the two parties are formed differ greatly. PAS’ goal is to establish Shariah as the governing laws of the nation. UMNO seems indifferent about the type of law that governs the country but not PAS, they are adamant on Shariah.

UMNO is a party for Malays, fighting for Malay rights and supremacy.
PAS is a party for Muslims, fighting to uphold Shariah as the governing laws for Muslims.

UMNO only admit Malays (Bumiputeras) as members, regardless of their religion
PAS admits Muslims as full members regardless of their race and admits non-Muslims as “Supporters’ Club members”

If UMNO and PAS merges, what will happen to PAS members like Annuar Tan, Khalil Idham Lim etc? They are not Malays so technically they cannot be members of UMNO (notwithstanding the Malaysia Boleh spirit).

If UMNO and PAS merges, will UMNO agree to Shariah being the governing laws for Muslims?

We should stop equating Malays with Islam. Malays are not necessarily Muslim, heck we were all Hindus 6/700 years ago! Not everyone can be a Malay, a “Bin/Binti” or a Malay sounding name or being a Muslim does not make one a Malay.

On the other hand, Islam is for all. Anyone can be a Muslim regardless of race.

So, merging a Malay based party with an Islamic based party will not achieve any kind of unity, worse it may create a wider split.

Btw, was PAS ever part of UMNO?

1 comment:

  1. Quote "...merges back with UMNO". May be UMNO got confuse; if you read the history of 'Punubuhan PAS' (Wikipedia)there is this bit about:-

    "rancangan awal penubuhan PAS sebenarnya adalah ditimbulkan oleh sebahagian besar ahli-ahli agama di dalam UMNO semasa berlangsungnya Muktamar Ulama Ketiga di Bangunan Kelab UMNO Bagan, Butterworth dengan penitia penajanya terdiri daripada.....Penitia penaja inilah yang berusaha merangka perlembagaan serta menamakan pertubuhan yang dicita-citakan itu - iaitu dengan nama Pertubuhan Ulama Se-Malaya. Penitia ini telah berusaha mengadakan persidangan dengan persatuan-persatuan kebajikan Melayu atau Islam, Majlis Agama Islam Negeri, ulama perseorangan, para kadhi dan juga mufti.

    Walaupun perhimpunan ulama dan orang perseorangan yang dianjurkan oleh Bahagian Agama UMNO itu pada mulanya berjaya menubuhkan Pertubuhan Ulama, tetapi atas inisiatif Ustaz Othman Hamzah, bekas Ahli Jawatankuasa Hizbul Muslimin yang mewakili Persatuan al-Ehya as-Syariff, Gunung Semanggol berjaya melahirkan Persatuan Islam Se-Malaya (PAS) bagi menggantikan Pertubuhan Ulama Se-Malaya yang dicadangkan pada mulanya."

    Nope, don't think PAS was ever part of UMNO.
