Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cyberspace Ethics

The changes happening across the globe for the past 15 years or so is largely attributed to the birth of this phenomenon called the internet. The world has become so small and everyone seems to be just next door. Dissipation of information has become so easy and efficient with the advent of Messenger, email, Facebook, Twitter, blogs etc. Everyone can now speak their mind, express their views and most importantly, do it immediately and anonymously. However, this anonymity breeds irresponsibility. Disrespectful, libellous, slanderous, defamatory, insulting comments are being posted by anonymous commentators on the World Wide Web for everyone to see. There is no problem about exposing the truth but there will be a problem if the truth is exaggerated or insults are included.

The most famous Malaysian blogger is probably Raja Petra of MalaysiaToday. We also have Jeff Ooi the blogger turned parliamentarian. I regard them as genuine and to a certain extent credible bloggers simply because they reveal their identities. They may not be able to reveal their sources but at least they are man enough to tell the world who they are and not hide cowardly behind the “cyberwalls”.

Blogs/bloggers that/who claim to be guardians of morality and bastions of transparency and justice should try acting like one. I found a blog claiming to be fighting for justice for employees in a large recently merged plantation based Government Linked Corporation; it also claims to want to protect the interests of shareholders and rakyat in general. I applaud his/her attempts and efforts but I think the way he’s/she’s carrying out his/her “crusade” leaves a lot to be desired.

Firstly, he/she is anonymous and secondly he/she is rude, vulgar and uncouth. Dude, if you want to be a crusader of justice, try not to insult other people’s names, especially that of their father’s, what did the old man ever did to you to deserve being called shit? And if you’re too chicken to reveal your real identity, then don’t go around digging and revealing other people’s sins.

I blog under a pseudonym, for those who are curious to know who I am, just leave a comment and I’ll reveal ALL

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