Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Violation of Privacy

A human X-ray machine which produces "naked" images of passengers has been introduced at Manchester airport. The scanner, made by the firm RapiScan Systems, makes the check-in process much quicker for passengers, who will not have to remove their coats, shoes or belts.

It enables staff to instantly spot any hidden weapons or explosives.

The full body scanner which is being trialled will also show up any breast enlargements, false limbs, piercings, and a clear outline of passengers' private parts. The black and white image will only be seen by one officer in a remote location before it is deleted.

Airport bosses admit some travellers might not want to be scanned because of the graphic nature of the images. They can refuse to undergo the virtual strip search at Terminal 2, opting for the traditional "pat down" search instead.

I will not subject myself to this humiliating procedure. I doubt many will but I won’t be surprised if some good looking women find it difficult to get away from going through the scanner.


1 comment:

  1. They have introduced this in quite a number of airports. A friend of mine was subjected to it in the US. He said it was so uncomfortable knowing that the officer can "see all". He even asked the officer what will they do to the images afterwards since they are very strict with privacy law et al.
