Tuesday, October 20, 2009

She’s Not Coming

“The postponement is solely the decision of the Artiste and has nothing to do with other external reasons” according to the organisers.
Beyonce Knowles may not be coming to Malaysia, the second time (the first was in 2007) her concert is derailed due to pressure from Islamist groups (read -
PAS Youth). Their main contention was her choice of attire, which apparently does not cover very much of her body.

View 1 – We do not need moral policing; it is her right to wear whatever she likes, wherever she wants. People are not going to go raping every girl they see just because they went to Beyonce’s concert. Some KL girls dress even more scantily in public places, so why pick on Beyonce? In any case, the public is already exposed to such culture via the television and the web so it’s not totally alien. Freedom of choice, it’s a basic human right.

View 2 – Her dressing is indecent. It is a bad example for the young women. Would we allow our wives, sisters or daughters (or mothers, aunties, grandmothers) to dress like that? So, why do we condone her dressing? Is it because as long as she’s not our wives, sisters or daughters (or mothers, aunties, grandmothers), she can dress however she wants, even if it’s indecent? So, it’s okay for men to ogle at Beyonce’s curves but not okay for the same men to ogle at a sexy pretty young lass sitting across the room, especially if that sexy pretty young lass is our wives, sisters or daughters? Why the double standards?

My view – Just let the concert go on; if you disagree, don’t go, don’t allow your family to go. Don’t look at the posters or advertisements. If you’re a Muslim, ask yourself if you’re fine with dancing around while your eyes are transfixed on Beyonce’s curvy lines. If the thought does not affect your conscience, by all means go and have a blast.

It’s the same with the beer issue in Selangor, Hassan Ali (and Zulkifli Nordin) should not call for a ban in their sales. Just remind the Muslims –
thou shall not consume alcohol, in any quantity, if you do, thou shall face the wrath of Allah. If they still want to be a beer consumer, that’s their problem, you have done your job of educating them. All is left for you to do is pray that God will lead us on the right path.

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