Thursday, October 1, 2009

Maaf Dzahir Batin

I have nothing against Indonesia or Indonesians. I have something against Muchtar (Mustar) Bonaventura. I think he is a bloody idiot.

My posting on Indonesia have nothing to do with hatred, they are merely comments on current issues, from my perspective, attempting to highlight the Malaysian view of things. For the record, I do have close Indonesian buddies, I enjoy going to Indonesia and I enjoy their food.

I’m a critic. Isn’t everyone a critic too? My views are based on my worldview, which is limited to the stuff I read, the people I talk to and the environment I live in. I may not see the views from the other side of the coin and therefore I stand corrected.

I may have been emotional, brash and maybe even rude in expressing my thoughts. For that, I apologise. To err is human but to say “err” too many times shows you don’t know anything!

So in the spirit of Syawal, Maaf Dzahir & Batin.

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