Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Box of Chocolates or a Lottery?

Forrest Gump made some of us believe that life is like a box of chocolates, you’ll never know what you’re going to get.

Oscar Wilde once said, “There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it”.

We can look into the box and choose the types we want but life does not offer that luxury, we have to take whatever comes and deal with them. Most of the time we tend to ignore what comes, hide it under the carpet and move on.

Unless of course the box contains only one type of chocolates, which is also true, life can be monotonous, plain and mundane; everyday is the same thing, same routine.

I tend to think that life is like a lottery. We assess, calculate, assume, consult the stars, moon and planets and make our choices, hoping for the best. Sometimes we just pick whatever (number) that comes along and hope for the best. Sometimes we pick the same (number) as the next guy (the previous winner) and hope we will find similar success, which never happens.

If life is such a gamble, why bother trying, one could ask. Well, a lottery it may be, it is in our hands to make or break our lives. We and only we have the power to decide where we go, what we do, how we do it, with whom and when. All it takes is guts to take charge of our lives.

Another thing Mr. Wilde said was; “Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not”.


  1. granted you do not know what's coming your way, you can't pick and choose; but the decision as to how you will lead your life is in your hands. sometimes the what, how, with whom and when are not easy decisions but hey that's life!

  2. Definitely not easy decisions they are; but usually you have one, just one single opportunity to make the right one ... my advice is - gather your guts and follow your instincts.
