Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Battle of the Bans

What’s with this country? First PAS Youth called for concerts to be banned then came Hassan Ali with his liquor sale ban, Zulkifli Nordin wants condom sales to be banned and now Puteri UMNO wants horror movies to be banned. It’s like they are engaged in some kind of “Battle of the Bans”.

We are living in a multiracial, multicultural, multi-religion country where everyone has different ideas on different things. Some enjoy watching horror movies, some belief that pre-marital sex is fine, some feel its okay to waste “duit rakyat”, some belief enjoying a bit of alcohol is harmless, heck some even feel it’s their right to get drunk every night. So everyone has to be tolerant to each others’ preference and respect each other choices.

Like I said in my previous posting, if we don’t agree with liquor sales, don’t patronise shops that sell alcoholic beverages. If we disagree with condom use, don’t stand in the way of others who want to use condoms. If we disagree with horror movies, don’t watch and if we don’t agree with concerts, don’t listen to music.

But we should not impose our dislikes on others.

Having said that, the Islamic religious authorities have the responsibility of ensuring Muslims stay on the right track. I have no qualms with that but I feel they should revise their modus operandi. Instead of raids why can’t they take the “educating” and public relations approach? Continuously educate and remind the Muslims of their responsibilities using kind, persuasive means. No threats. Increase religious classes at school, start educating them from a young age. Parents too must play their part and show a good example.

Moral policing doesn’t work, not even in a Fascist state.


  1. Ban on horror movies - Do Muslims have such a weak foundation in religion that their souls will waiver and falter after seeing a scary movie? Will they be suggesting ban on similar kind of books next?

  2. We cannot let this "ban game" continue ;)
    At the rate they're going, every other thing will be banned in Malaysia!

    Btw Peaches, please accept my sincerest thanks for being a loyal follower of my humble blog. Supporters like you makes writing (babbling?) worth the while. Maybe one day you'll make your identity known to me?

  3. well sam, you write interesting issues be it simple or slightly deep topics. if you continue babbling :) i'll continue reading.

    my identity? may fine day! ;)
