Wednesday, September 9, 2009

WTF is wrong with the Indons?

Jakarta (detikNews) - 50 Aktivis dari Benteng Demokrasi Rakyat (Bendera) melakukan sweeping terhadap warga Malaysia yang melintas di Jl Diponegoro, Jakarta Pusat. Sweeping dilakukan dengan meminta warga Malaysia menunjukkan kartu identitas mereka.

Pantauan detikcom di Jl Diponegoro, Selasa (8/9/2009), relawan Bendera ini mengenakan ikat kepala berwarna putih. Beberapa di antaranya memegang bambu runcing. Aksi sweeping ini terkait klaim Malaysia atas budaya Indonesia.

Dalam aksi sweeping ini, jika didapati ada warga Malaysia yang tidak mempunyai kartu identitas maka akan diamankan. Namun hingga saat ini, belum ada satu pun warga Malaysia yang melintas.

Malaysian Students in Indonesia Advised to Take care
JAKARTA, Sept 9 (Bernama) -- The Malaysian Students Department here has advised Malaysian students in Indonesia to take care following reportedly rising anger among a small group of people over slanderous reports by the media of late.

The anger among the small group of people seems to have reached a serious stage following recent media reports and visuals of more than 360 people having registered as volunteers to "crush" Malaysia.

Tuesday, a group calling itself "Benteng Demokrasi Rakyat" (BENDERA) threatened to use sharpened bamboo on Malaysians using Jalan Diponegoro here.

It was reported that 50 members of BENDERA armed with these "spears" forced people using the road to show proof of their identity with the intention of detaining anyone who was Malaysian.

This act of taking the law into their own hands was reported in the local online media, including detikcom.

In one incident previously, rotten eggs were hurled at a house rented by Malaysian students of Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta by a group of demonstrators comprising local undergraduates who were angry at Malaysia for having allegedly "stolen" the Pendet dance which originated from Indonesia's Bali Island.

Following that issue, which was fanned by the local media and linked to past issues, several groups of Indonesians demonstrated in front of the Malaysian embassy here.

Malaysia stated that it had not "stolen" the dance for a video clip tourism promotion, which was actually produced by a private company based in Singapore, but the explanation seemed to have fallen on deaf ears.

Apparently the Indons are pissed with us Malaysians. Well, some of the less intelligent, easily manipulated, jobless ones, which is probably only 100 maybe 150 million of them, tops. It takes very little for them to be pissed with us. Apparently, (my extensive use of “apparently” is a feeble attempt to avoid lawsuits and/or detention under the Sedition Act) Discovery Channel in a promo on Malaysia claimed that a certain dance belongs to /originated from Malaysia. Apparently, that dance (which apparently is called Pendet) originated from Bali. So, instead of throwing eggs at Discovery Channel’s office or threaten Discovery Channel staff, these Indons decided to throw eggs at Malaysian property and threaten Malaysian citizens. Granted, not all Indons are like that but like the Malay saying – one drop of iodine destroys the whole bucket of milk :-), the action of the few irresponsible Indons makes the whole country look bad. I’m sorry for saying this but Indonesia probably has more to lose if the relationship between the two countries sours.

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