Friday, September 18, 2009

Ramadhan Feast

Ramadhan is a month where the human spirit is trained towards perfection. It teaches patience, abstinence, moderation, anger management, obedience and compliance. Ramadhan is a month where prayers are answered and sins are absolved. It’s a month for prayers and repentance.

But often, Ramadhan is turned into a month of feasting and a month to make money from cookie and baju kurung sales.

Ramadhan is also a month of free food as most masjids provide food for berbuka and moreh, some even for sahur.

The orphans are one of the biggest beneficiaries of Ramadhan, invited to berbuka functions on a weekly, if not daily basis. Some get to buka at hotels, some get to buka with celebrities, politicians, royalties and corporate figures. Gifts will accompany the food, a new set of baju raya and some duit raya is guaranteed.

But why is the free food and attention to the orphans given only during Ramadhan? What about the other eleven months of the year? Why can’t the corporations, politicians, royalties and high net-worth individuals provide lunch and dinner at the masjid every day of the year? Why can’t we treat and feast the orphans all year long?

Ramadhan may come only once a year but the spirit of Ramadhan should be present everyday. Let’s not wait for Ramadhan to be generous and charitable.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, this generosity should not be confined to Ramadhan only. Other than giving money/goodies, corporations/politicians should have a programme for their staff to spend quality time with the orphans on regular basis. They need love, company and attention too. Individuals should also follow suit (get your family involved too; you can turn this into a family activity!)
