Wednesday, September 2, 2009

So, A Muslim is Not Allowed to Have Fun?

Contrary to popular belief, Islam is a religion of moderation.

"Those who, when they spend, are not extravagant and not niggardly, but hold a just balance between those extremes….." (Al-Furqan 25: 67)

"O you who believe! Make not unlawful the good things which Allah has made lawful for you, but Commit no excess: for Allah loves not those given to excess." (Al-Maidah 5: 87)

Also, contrary to popular belief, Islam does allow entertainment. Entertainment means relaxing, having fun, having a good time but has to be done in moderation.

Entertainment is not about jumping around and wasting yourself with alcohol and drugs. Entertainment is not about partying from dusk till dawn. Having fun doesn’t mean you have to get up the next afternoon with a bad hangover or worse waking up naked next to a stranger or even worse waking up naked next to a stranger of the same gender (who is also naked). Having fun should not lead alcohol influenced bar brawls or drunk driving. Puking by the roadside is not fun.

What does Islam mean by moderation in entertainment? It means have fun but don’t go overboard, don’t forget your prayers, don’t forget your responsibilities as a person. Have fun but at the same time have respect for others, respect others by not endangering them with your DUI and drunken behaviour. Respect yourself by not abusing your liver, lungs and heart.

Concerts are okay but getting drunk at concerts and making a nuisance of yourself is not okay.

Concerts are okay but a screaming Will.I.Am or Jascha Richter within earshot of a muezzin performing the azan is not respectful is it?

Let’s have concerts but let’s keep it moderate.

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