Tuesday, September 1, 2009


At exactly 17:59 (GUINNESS® mean time) on September 24th 2009, Arthur's Day celebrations will kick off in Dublin and spread around the world, from New York to Lagos, ending in Kuala Lumpur on the 25th September.

Apparently Malaysian Muslims are not allowed to go the Black Eyed Peas concert celebrating Arthur’s Day. And guess what? I agree. Before you go accusing me of being a Terrorist Islamist backward stone-age Taliban lackey let me tell you why I think so. I have nothing against the concert; I have been to some, “Search” being my first way back in ’87. I'm okay with concerts ... as long as they are not MLTR.

What I don’t agree with is celebrating Arthur’s day. I’m a Muslim and the last thing I should be doing or rather things that I shouldn’t be doing is celebrating, remembering and worshipping the man who brought alcoholic drinks to the masses. If I celebrate Arthur’s day, I might as well celebrate Jack’s day, Jacobsen’s day, Piort’s day and Pyrya’s day!*

I’m sure there are Muslims who will disagree with me, saying what’s wrong with celebrating Arthur’s day? I just feel if I were to honour a person, I would rather honour Omar al Khattab or Ibn Khaldun or Saladin Yusuf Ayyub. That’s my personal opinion.

On the same note, I feel that PAS Youth is going overboard demanding the cancellation of Michael Learns To Rock’s concert. I say let them have the concert, their fan base is not 100% Muslim so why deprive the others from enjoying a little bit of love painting.* What PAS Youth should do is put up full page adverts in newspapers and blogs and internet news portals and go on prime time TV explaining the Islamic view on concerts, backed by the relevant Quranic verses and hadiths. There is no need for demonstrations or raids; just educate and let them decide.


*Jack Daniels the whiskey, JC Jacobsen founded Carlsberg Breweries, Piort Arsenyevitch Smirnov produced the first Smirnoff vodka and Pyrya Bhirom-Bhakdi founded Boon Rawd Brewery Co. Ltd, brewers of Singha beer.

*Paint my Love - a very romantic love song preformed by MLTR.

1 comment:

  1. i think the problem with some religous groups banning left right and centre is that they think the general muslim individuals are stupid and cant think for themselves. I very much agree with educating people rather than paksa, menyumpah and being very disrespectful. they need to get on with the times and educate the way people nowadays would want to listen, even if it means organisinig a little concert themselves..
    and paint my love is NOT a romantic song... hahaha... i havent thought of them for possibly over ten years now.. and that is not a bad thing..
