Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Need I Say More? (updated)

The following were told to the special select committee for competency, accountability and transparency (Selcat) by Gombak DO Huzaini Samsi as reported by The Malaysian Insider:

there was virtually no accountability and safeguards on how previous BN assemblyman spent their annual allocations. A possibility that the annual allocations were used for campaigning. They try and spend as much as possible before the general elections. Morally wrong and extraordinary for the state lawmakers and exco members to spend their entire annual allocations in just two months. Assemblymen would call his office to expedite applications for funds.

Petaling DO Datuk Zulkepli Ahmad was reported by The Malaysian Insider to be at a loss to explain how approval for state allocations for BN lawmakers was given even after the state assembly was dissolved and even after the new PR state government was sworn-in.

Where is the MACC? Why are they so busy investigating alleged RM2,000 misdemeanours by PKR lawmakers. Doesn’t this deserve some investigation time as well?

Update on 11.09.2009 (from the Malaysian Insider)

The Kuala Selangor District Officer told a state legislative investigation today that Barisan Nasional (BN) lawmakers abused their annual development fund allocations to campaign in last year’s general elections.
“It’s true the funds were used (for campaigning) but not all the pervious lawmakers were chosen to defend their seats.” said Mohd Misri Idris, who was testifying before the special select committee for competency, accountability and transparency (Selcat)

Assistant District Officer Izahar Rasidi, who also testified today, admitted no checks were carried out to ensure the state funds were used for its intended purposes.
“We fully trusted the assemblyman or their representatives and we did not want to interfere in their affairs.”
He added that they were merely civil servants and they would end up losing if they attempted to question lawmakers. “We are only trying to make a living.”
He said that applications for funds were regarded as already approved by the lawmakers and the District Officer acted only to distribute the funds.
“We don’t approve, we only process the application by preparing the vouchers and cheques.”
Izahar was evasive when asked why his office approved 85 applications for funds amounting to almost RM450,00 on Feb 12 last year for the Ijok constituency, a day before the state assembly was dissolved.

Financial clerk Norafzianti Jantra, who is tasked with preparing payment vouchers for the state allocations, said other staff from the the District Office had to be roped in to prepare the documents on Feb 12.
She described it as a “gotong royong” and added they were paid overtime. However Norafzianti admitted that although the vouchers were all dated Feb 12, they were signed after the state assembly was dissolved.
Two vouchers were also signed and approved on March 25, well after the new state government had been sworn- in.

Need I say more?

1 comment:

  1. close one eye policy, i'm afraid... or is there some amazing puppetry involved like the Muppets?
