Friday, July 17, 2009

Muslim Idiots

I apologise for the title. It is meant to describe the moronic, idiotic, stupid, brainless journalists, editor and publisher at a magazine called “Al-Islam”.

Two dim-witted journalists from Al Islam magazine disguised themselves as Catholics, went to a church and participated in the Holy Eucharist and received Holy Communion. That was done under the pretext of investigating and reporting “mass conversion of Muslims” by Catholic priests and their agents.

What the hack did those two MF idiots do that for? That is not the way of Islam. Even KJ knows that! In any case, if there were any mass conversions of Muslims, the SB would have known about it as it is their job to visit churches to see what is going on.

Muslims are very particular about all this “murtad” (apostate) business and rightly so. But let’s deal with it in the proper way and not by having a (respected?) mufti making unsubstantiated claims of 250,000 Muslims had apostatised themselves.

If one’s faith is strong, there should not be any fear of being a murtad. We have thousands of Muslim boys and girls educated at missionary schools, (La Salle, MBS/MGS, Convents, and St Xavier etc) who grew up being decent Muslims. We send our Muslim youths to study in non-Muslim countries like the UK, USA, Australia, India, Russia and I’m sure none of them became apostates.

No doubt the incidence of non-practising Muslims is abundant but that cannot be blamed on the Christian (or any religion’s) missionaries. The blame should squarely be on the upbringing and lack of religious education as well as excessive unenlightened exposure to non-Islamic lifestyle.

One doesn’t need to officially be an apostate to practice a non-Islamic lifestyle or lose faith in Allah. What about the bars, clubs, gaming outlets and karaoke joints patronised by Muslims? The activities that go on in such places could lead to "unofficial" apostasy. Why aren’t the religious authorities raiding these places on a regular basis or strictly ban Muslims from frequenting such establishments?

If Islam is under threat, it is not from the Christian (or Buddhist or Hindu or Zoroastrian) missionaries. The threat is mainly from within, and if we want to effectively counter the threat, let’s familiarise ourselves and our families with Islam, what it means, what it stands for, let’s be good Muslims.

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