Monday, July 13, 2009

I hate it when …

I state my support for a certain political ideology; I’m accused of being ungrateful. They would say I got to go study in the UK because of a certain political party, I got my job because of that political party, and this country is an independent sovereign state because of a certain political party and therefore I owe my life to them.

They fail to recognise that the particular political party played a very small, if any, part in me getting into university (it’s a proper university mind you, not some poly-turned-uni), I think I got into university because I passed my A-level exams, I am quite certain that I got my job because my bosses need my expertise, my application did not come with a recommendation letter from the political party nor did they instruct my employers to employ me.

So what if the government led by that political party provided the study loan for me to go to the UK, isn’t that the responsibility of a responsible government, to provide education for the rakyat, regardless of their ethnicity? In any case, the funds came from the tax payers, so it’s them I should be thankful to.

Don’t get me wrong, I may support a certain political view at the moment but it could change if the other side offers me (the voter) a better deal. But I hate it when people tell me to be grateful to an undeserving political organisation.

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