Thursday, July 23, 2009

Is That All It Takes?

MALAYSIAN football golden boy Amri Yahyah's two goals against Manchester United have earned him the adoration and recognition of fans, even non-football fans.
The latest, a group called "Amri Yahyah for Dato' Seri" was formed on Facebook, and six videos highlighting the newly-crowned Malaysia's football "saviour" have been uploaded on YouTube.
According to the administrators, Vincent Liew and Armand Zarim, the group is the "official petition to honour and reward Amri Yahyah with a Dato' Seri title''. Liew said: "If Shah Rukh Khan can get a Datukship, why can't Amri? Shah Rukh didn't do anything for us, except for the dancing around trees with 40 dancers. Datuk Amri Yahyah is more like it!"
Meanwhile, Amri was shocked to learn of the group and thanked them for the support they've given him. Asked if he'd like to get a title for his performance, Amri said he doesn't mind at all, as long as his performance as a player gets better. Last Saturday, Amri scored in the 45th minute, followed by another in the 52nd minute.
(The Malay Mail)What is wrong with you people? Like the editor of a “major” Malaysian newspaper, these guys seem to have lost any ability to think logically. A Datuk Seri for scoring two ordinary goals against a team playing an exhibition match? Puh-leez! (Wow! I feel so hip n happenin’).

Okay, let’s say our star footballer (who would struggle to sit on the bench at Grimsby Town let alone Barnsley, with no disrespect to the teams) is awarded a Dato’ship (if it happens, my bet is it’s from Malacca), that will open the floodgates to claims for Dato’ships. If goldenboy Amri gets the 4 initials after his name, these people should be given initials too;
  • Matlan Marjan (he scored 2 goals against England, the national team!)
  • Shalin Zulkifli (didn’t she beat the men in some world championship?)
  • Dr Lennard Lee for swimming across the English Channel
  • Lim Teong Kim for making it good in Germany and at Bayern Munich
  • Shebby Singh for being the only Malaysian commentator of the BPL
  • Hafiz Hashim for winning the All-England
  • Me, for writing this blog
  • My friend "The Sponge", for writing his blog
Amri is a footballer, it is his job to score goals. Yes, it is right to reward people who do their job well but did he? I would not object to him (or any Malaysian footballer) being awarded the title if he consistently scores against quality opponents, top scorer in a world class league, awarded player of the year by his peers, and helps the country win a few major tournaments (no, the Merdeka tournament is not major enough). Even then, the award should come after he retires.

Sir Geoff Hurst was knighted by the Queen 32 years after scoring the hattrick against West Germany that won the World Cup for England.
Dato’ Mokhtar Dahari got his Darjah Indera Mahkota Pahang (D.I.M.P) 9 years after his death and SuperMokh is bazillion gazillion times better than Amri “he scored 2 against Man U so give him a Datoship” Yahyah.

If a Malaysian player had scored against Brazil in 2002, would he be awarded a Tun-ship?

I pity Amri, if this issue blows out of proportion and he is made to look like a fool, scoring two against Man U is probably going to be his biggest regret.

1 comment:

  1. well, no surprise there! we can all pay for it too.
