Friday, July 3, 2009

Malaysia Boleh

In fact, anyone boleh, if they put their hearts and minds to it, be disciplined, honest, brave, prepared, yada yada. But in Malaysia, boleh is at a totally different level.

Malaysia boleh build a very tall building but that does not mean we have to build tall low cost flats and squeeze 120 families into an 18 storey tower block, each getting 700 square feet regardless of the family size. And guess what, Malaysia also boleh squeeze half a dozen of these tall low cost flats into 1 acre piece of land.

KL boleh build 3 different types of modern light rail transport system but unable to integrate them into one connected user friendly system.

Malaysia boleh spend to send a man to the moon but cannot spend to give their young men and women free tertiary education.

Malaysia boleh build a Maracana sized football stadium but cannot keep the pitch decent.

Malaysia boleh build cars but cannot sell without the Government protectionist policies.

Malaysia boleh build new townships but cannot preserve old buildings.

Malaysia boleh create policies but cannot effectively enforce.

I boleh get into trouble for writing all this …

Boleh = can, able

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