Sunday, March 11, 2012

Uncouth Singaporean Drivers on Malaysian Roads

I was on the North South Expressway near Seremban when I came across a very rude, uncouth Singaporean driver. I’m assuming he is Singaporean because he was driving a Singapore registered car, a black Cefiro 230 bearing the number 4010 (I think that was the number, I can’t recall the alphabets but it was on a black plate with white letters/numbers). He was obviously travelling way beyond the speed limit and even at one point was using the emergency lane to overtake. I guess he is in a hurry to meet his maker. The decadent car turned off into the Elite highway and continued to drive like his father owns the road. I know because I too turned into Elite and saw him disappear into the horizon. How I wished he had disappeared into oblivion.

I am sick of Singaporean drivers driving like wild hogs on Malaysian roads. It’s bad enough that we have Malaysians who drive recklessly and dangerously above the speed limit but Singaporeans doing it just adds salt (lots of it) to the wound. And to think that these very same Singaporeans wouldn’t dare drive 0.5 km/h above the speed limit back home.

I guess it’s because they don’t have any real highways in Singapore that is why they are misbehaving on our highways like kids let loose in a candy store. Their chances of being caught are also less in Malaysia and even f they do get caught, they won’t be facing corporal punishment like they would in Singapore. Haha.

Maybe years of mental suppression has turned them into those kind of drivers on other people’s roads. The objective in a Singaporean’s life is to score a million A-s in exams and make lots of money.
Everything else doesn’t matter. Heck, they even have to buy foreign missionaries to play for their national spots teams! Where is the glory in that?

I’m sure there are a few decent, law abiding Singaporean drivers on Malaysian roads. I wonder if one could count their numbers using one hand.

While I’m on the topic of bad/rude/dangerous drivers, I would like to give a piece of advice to young Malaysian drivers – know your limits.
I’m saying this because on the same day on the Elite, I was hustled by a young looking girl in a MyVi. She must be going at least 150km/h (I shall not explain how I came to that conclusion – trust me, it’s very close to that). I’m not making the comment because she is a female. I would make the same comment if it was a young looking guy driving.
Firstly, a MyVi is not designed to be driven at 150 km/h on a busy highway. Secondly, do you know the braking capabilities of the MyVi? Thirdly, do you have enough kilometres and hours of driving experience to justify driving at 150 km/h in a MyVi on a busy highway? In anycase, I doubt any F1 driver would drive a MyVi at 150km/h on a busy highway.

And another thing, if you’re driving a MyVi and decide to hustle, try to avoid E90s with 192 horses driving the 6 cylinders. Stick to Vivas and Kenaris.

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