Sunday, March 18, 2012

Iran, Israel, Nuclear Weapons

I have come across many articles debating whether the United States should attack Iran and attempt to eliminate its nuclear facilities. Many of the articles include the opinions of Israel in deliberating whether to attack Iran or not. Strangely, writings on nuclear issues in North Korea rarely include attacking the rouge state, the only party threatening a nuclear attack is the North Koreans.

The absence of a nuclear threat on North Korea could stem from her close relationship with another nuclear powerhouse, China. Any attack on North Korea could force China to retaliate and would result in dire consequences.

On the other hand, the USA seems to be ever ready to assist Israel if the latter decides to attack Iran. Why is the different stance? It sort of makes it very obvious that Israel has the mighty USA in its pockets.

Today eight countries are possessing nuclear weapons but only five are legally allowed to to have nuclear weapons according to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) from 1970. The five nuclear weapons states are; United States, Russia (former Soviet Union), United Kingdom, France and China. The other three nuclear weapon states; India, Israel and Pakistan have not signed the NPT.

Why are the three allowed to proceed with their nuclear programme despite not getting the rest of the world’s “consent”? Heck, what is so special about the five that allows them to have nuclear weapons but not the rest of the world? It is a blatant case of bullying on a global scale.

Allegations about a secret Israeli nuclear weapons program were frequently heard in the 1960s and 70s. It was not until the mid-1980s, however, that the allegations were backed up with firm proof. In the fall of 1986, a former Israeli nuclear technician, Mordechai Vanunu, disclosed illegally possessed evidence proving that Israel, by all meaningful definitions of the term, was indeed a nuclear weapons state, and a powerful one as well. Drawing on Vanunu's photographs from the bomb factory underneath the small Dimona nuclear reactor, Western experts concluded that Israel at the time probably had acquired enough fissile material to produce more than 100 nuclear bombs and warheads. Today, Israel may possess as much as 150-200 nuclear weapons.

My theory is that the USA allows Pakistan and India to have nuclear weaponry with the hope that they will destroy each other. Israel is allowed (by the USA) to have nuclear weapons to keep the Middle East in check, if any of Muslim countries in the Middle East acts in a way disadvantageous to the USA, Israel is there to put them back in place.

The world should unite to eliminate nuclear weapons form the face of the earth.

Global Nuclear Weapons count:
China - About 240 total warheads.
France - Fewer than 300 operational warheads.
Russia - Approximately 1,566 operational strategic warheads, approximately 2,000 operational tactical warheads, and approximately 7,000 stockpiled strategic and tactical warheads.
United Kingdom - Fewer than 160 deployed strategic warheads, total stockpile of up to 225.
United States - Approximately 5,113 active and inactive nuclear warheads and approximately 3,500 warheads retired and awaiting dismantlement.
The 5,113 active and inactive nuclear warhead stockpile includes 1,790 deployed strategic warheads, approximately 500 operational tactical weapons, and approximately 2,645 inactive warheads.
India - Up to 100 nuclear warheads.
Pakistan - Between 70 to 90 nuclear warheads
Israel - Between 75 to 200 nuclear warheads.

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